This collaborative mural for the Schechter Institute: אות היא לעולם – A Sign Forever/A Letter for the World, incorporates text and quotes in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic from a variety Jewish sources, both ancient and modern, centering on the concept of creation and learning. Each of eight artists (Judy Kopelman, Lenore Mizrachi, Izzy Pludwinski, David Goldstein, Bentzi Binder, David Moss, Jamie Shear, and myself, with Shlome Hayun painting the background) picked a source that they personally found meaningful and painted it on the wall in their own chosen style. The layering of the texts in different styles, colors, languages, and origins represents the spirit of the biet midrash, with each person bringing their own experience and passion to create a rich and meaningful conversation across time and space. In this way, the mural also evokes a page of Talmud, with commentators building on each other and leaving their mark on Jewish history. The geometric green lettering is mine. The text is from the piyyut (liturgical poem) “Ki Hinei Ka-chomer” typically sung on Yom Kippur, which compares man to a litany of building materials in the hands of a craftsman God.
See the other murals I painted at the festival through the links below, and see all the festival murals here.