Hillel Smith

eScapegoat poster for G-dcast

eScapegoat is an online project of G-dcast focused on the history and meaning of atoning for our sins on the holday of Yom Kippur. They commissioned me to create a promotional poster that would be included in customized "mini goat" packages created for various organizations. I stenciled the 18" x 24" poster with spray paint at actual size to give it a tactile feel, then scanned it for larger-scale reproduction. An original painted poster and a handful of printed posters now adorn the walls at the G-dcast office in San Francisco.

eScapegoat poster
eScapegoat poster

Red background and first layer down.

eScapegoat poster

Black second layer down.

eScapegoat poster

Last layer is white and the masking tape comes off for a nice, clean border.

eScapegoat poster

The spray paint gives it great texture and makes the hard work worth it.

eScapegoat poster

Executive Director Sarah Lefton and Producer Jeremy Shuback in the G-dcast offices with posters, stickers, and the eScapegoat app!