It's customary on Purim to give gifts of food to friends, called mishloach manot in Hebrew (or shalach manos in Yiddish). Keeping my tradition of crazy custom boxes, I was hit by inspiration at the candy aisle at Target when I spotted Dum Dums. Each horse is made of a half-sheet of black card and has four lollipop legs and some Hershey's Kisses hidden inside Trojan style. The horse's right side has an incised Purim message from me, and the left side features a quote from the book of Esther (6:11): "Thus shall be done to the man the king wishes to honor," forcibly declared by Haman as he parades Mordechai down the streets of Shushan. As usual, the text and details are cut, not printed, and the boxes use no adhesives of any kind. Happy Purim!