It's customary on Purim to give gifts of food to friends, called mishloach manot in Hebrew (or shalach manos in Yiddish). Every year I make new and crazy papercut mishloach manot packages for this ritual of edible gift giving. The latest entry in my annual tradition of Purim package design involves literally sending food in envelope-boxes. The Happy Purim message and stamp are cut out of the paper and backed with Fruit by the Foot — the best tasting stamp you’ll ever lick. The cancellation is marked 14 Adar (Purim’s Hebrew date) and ringed with the words describing this tradition from the Megillah: מִשְׁלֹחַ מָנוֹת, אִישׁ לְרֵעֵהוּ (“sending items their fellows,” Esther 9:19). It’s marked in the corner “Peace + Truth” from me, echoing the letters of peace and truth Mordechai wrote to Jews across the kingdom (Esther 9:30). And who couldn’t use a little peace and truth these days? Enjoy!