Hillel Smith

Purim Baskets

It's customary on Purim to give gifts of food to friends, called mishloach manot in Hebrew (or shalach manos in Yiddish). After stenciling mine last year, I designed my own boxes this year. Each is cut from a single sheet of card stock (using half a ream left over from another project) and folded, and uses no adhesives of any kind. A small sheet of tissue paper adds a burst of color to the cutout letters. Sad news for you: I already ate all the hamentashen. This project was written up on the FPO design blog.

purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets

The following year, I was commissioned to make special personalized sets of boxes for various organizations. The originals were fairly small, so the boxes were scaled up to accommodate much more goodies. Below are stacks of boxes ready for the Miller Program at AJU and boxes for USC Hillel, appropriately in cardinal and gold. A medium-size box was customized for Chabad of West Boynton. Inquire for custom orders six weeks prior to Purim.

purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets purim baskets